Bad breath is one of the most common dental problems that can cause embarrassment. Now, there’s a difference between temporary bad breath and bad breath that seems to last forever. For example, you may experience bad breath after your morning cup of coffee. But after brushing your teeth it can dissipate on its own. When you have bad breath that doesn’t seem to go away, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist in Houston as it may be a sign of something more serious.
The Bad Part About Bad Breath
Bad breath that goes away is usually nothing to be concerned about. However, bad breath that seems to linger over time can be a sign of several problems. Most commonly, chronic bad breath is a sign of gum disease. Gum disease is a serious health condition that can not only affect your teeth and your gums but also the rest of your body. Gum disease has been linked to some serious whole-body issues including heart disease, respiratory problems, and increased risk for stroke. Now, if caught early, gum disease (and bad breath) can be treated. However, if you wait too long, the disease can’t be reversed, only managed. Untreated gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other oral health problems. This is why it is so important to see your dentist in Houston quickly if you have bad breath that doesn’t disappear on its own.
How to Fix Bad Breath
If bad breath is caused by a buildup of bacteria, the good news is there are a few ways to treat it so you don’t have to live with it forever.
Nobody wants the embarrassment that tends to go along with bad breath, and nobody wants to experience the potential problems it can cause either. Don’t take bad breath lightly and schedule an appointment with your dentist today.